National Federation of the Blind Of Iowa Denounces Ruling on Accessible Paper Money Lawsuit
Des Moines, Iowa: (May 22, 2008): Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a ruling that could force a redesign of U.S. paper currency so that blind people can distinguish denominations by touch.
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa President, Mike Barber, said: "This ruling is so misguided! Blind Iowans use money every day in their jobs and to conduct personal business. This ruling could send the message that blind people can not handle money successfully and create a mindset that could endanger the current jobs that blind Iowans hold and will most certainly endanger job prospects for blind persons in the future, seeking jobs where they would be required to handle money."
"We need the opportunity to earn money," Barber said. "That is the major struggle that blind people have in this country." He added, "Give us a chance to work and earn a paycheck and I guarantee you, we as blind people will find a way to fold our money, put it in different pockets, use paper clips, or employ whichever method we have devised, and we can spend it with the best of the sighted.”
President Michael Barber can be reached at (515) 771-8348 for more information on this issue.